*Metnin Türkçesi 2009 April imi altında "AA+A Nedir?" başlığında mevcuttur.
Project Description: When and where art is a tradable product, for example an anthology chosen by IKSV (Istanbul Foundation for Culture Arts), a word that is complicated by overusage of media, a concept theoritically abstaracted (by incomprehensible, elitist refrences; limitations of taste and a built image that art belongs to some "other" class) and practically isolated (by means of transportation, time and cost) from the majority of society, a concrete form of aesthetics, a traditional point of view; this project is absolutely not aiming to produce art.
When and where theatre is transformed into history museums by governmental foundations, private theatres sell their owners' reputation, a few innovative attemps remain within their own narrow frame, actors become slave of an author and a director, people coming together are searching for an idea instead of ideals becoming the meeting point for people, production spaces are closed; this project is absolutely not aiming to make theatre.
This project was only for standing against the decay of perception and the lethargy of its participants.
Everytime, beyond the outline of images, situations and events, there lies a deeper meaning. However, under the bombardment of stimuli and living overspeed, people educate themselves (or are educated) to numb their senses not only against these deeper meanings but also against the images, situations and events themselves. Through this project, participants aim to defeat their lethargy for creating a space to express the subjects that worth expressing or need to be expressed, by recreating them in a specific form and on the streets of the cities for making those subjects visible and percievable by reframing them. It is hoped that the audience who meet any performances by chance would rethink over the subject or at least would have a tickling sensation on their perceptions and if not, at least the participants and their awareness would be activated as a way of living through the experience.